Torc  0.1
Classes | Variables
torci2cbus.cpp File Reference
#include "torclogging.h"
#include "torccentral.h"
#include "torcinput.h"
#include "torcoutput.h"
#include "torci2cbus.h"
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class  TorcI2CXSDFactory


static const QString i2cOutputTypes
static const QString i2cOutputs
static const QString i2cUnique
TorcI2CXSDFactory TorcI2CXSDFactory

Variable Documentation

const QString i2cOutputs
Initial value:
= QStringLiteral(
" <xs:element minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' name='i2c' type='i2cType'/>\r\n")

Definition at line 164 of file torci2cbus.cpp.

const QString i2cOutputTypes
Initial value:
= QStringLiteral(
"<xs:simpleType name='pca9685ChannelNumberType'>\r\n"
" <xs:restriction base='xs:integer'>\r\n"
" <xs:minInclusive value='0'/>\r\n"
" <xs:maxInclusive value='15'/>\r\n"
" </xs:restriction>\r\n"
"<xs:complexType name='pca9685ChannelType'>\r\n"
" <xs:all>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='name' type='deviceNameType'/>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='username' type='userNameType' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='userdescription' type='userDescriptionType' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='number' type='pca9685ChannelNumberType'/>\r\n"
" </xs:all>\r\n"
"<xs:complexType name='pca9685Type'>\r\n"
" <xs:sequence>\r\n"
" <!-- NB this enforces the address first -->\r\n"
" <xs:element name='i2caddress' type='hexType' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='channel' type='pca9685ChannelType' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='16'/>\r\n"
" </xs:sequence>\r\n"
"<xs:complexType name='i2cType'>\r\n"
" <xs:choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='unbounded'>\r\n"
" <xs:element name='pca9685' type='pca9685Type'/>\r\n"
" </xs:choice>\r\n"

Definition at line 133 of file torci2cbus.cpp.

const QString i2cUnique
Initial value:
= QStringLiteral(
" <!-- enforce unique i2c addresses -->\r\n"
" <xs:unique name='uniqueI2CAddress'>\r\n"
" <xs:selector xpath='.//i2caddress' />\r\n"
" <xs:field xpath='.' />\r\n"
" </xs:unique>\r\n")

Definition at line 167 of file torci2cbus.cpp.