Torc  0.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCallbackObjectA simple class encapusulating a single timer to start the CFRunLoop
 CTorc1WireBusA class to handle the one wire files system (OWFS) for 1Wire devices
 CTorcAdminObjectA factory class for automatically running objects outside of the main loop
 CTorcAdminThreadA simple thread to launch helper objects outside of the main loop
 CTorcArgumentSimple wrapper around a command line argument
 CTorcAverageCompute a running average
 CTorcBinaryPListSerialiserData serialiser for the Apple binary property list format
 CTorcBonjourAdvertises and searches for services via Bonjour (aka Zero Configuration Networking/Avahi)
 CTorcBonjourServiceWrapper around a DNS service reference, either advertised or discovered
 CTorcCentralObjectCreate the central controller object
 CTorcCommandLineTorc command line handler
 CTorcDBBase Sql database access class
 CTorcEnvironmentVariableA simple private linked list to manage registered environment variables
 CTorcEventA general purpose event object
 CTorcHTMLDynamicContentHandles the provision of dynamic content as typically located in ~/.torc/content
 CTorcHTMLHandlerBase HTML handler
 CTorcHTMLStaticContentHandles the provision of static server content such as html, css, js etc
 CTorcHTTPHandlerBase HTTP response handler class
 CTorcHTTPReaderA convenience class to read HTTP requests from a QTcpSocket
 CTorcHTTPRequestA class to encapsulate an incoming HTTP request
 CTorcHTTPServerAn HTTP server
 CTorcHTTPServicesTop level interface into services
 CTorcHTTPServiceTestImplements an HTTP service for testing purposes
 CTorcinputAn abstract class representing an external input
 CTorcLanguageA class to track and manage language and locale settings and available translations
 CTorcLocalContextTorcLocalContext is the core Torc object
 CTorcLogNotifierLog notifications to the log file
 CTorcMimeA wrapper around QMimeDatabase()
 CTorcNetworkSubclass of QNetworkAccessManager for sending network requests and monitoring the network state
 CTorcNetworkButtonInputA network input that mimics the behaviour of a mechanical push button
 CTorcNetworkButtonOutputA network output that mimics the behaviour of a mechanical push button
 CTorcNetworkedContextA class to discover and connect to other Torc applications
 CTorcNetworkObjectA static class used to create the TorcNetwork singleton in the admin thread
 CTorcNetworkRequestA wrapper around QNetworkRequest
 CTorcNetworkServiceEncapsulates information on a discovered Torc peer
 CTorcObservableTorcObservable will send event notifcations to registered 'listeners'
 CTorcOSXCallbackThreadTorcQThread subclass to run a CFRunLoop
 CTorcPiPWMOutputA device to output PWM signals on the Raspberry Pi
 CTorcPListA parser for binary property lists
 CTorcPowerA generic power status class
 CTorcPowerFactoryOSXCreate a TorcPowerOSX singleton to handle power status
 CTorcPowerNullA dummy/default power implementation
 CTorcPowerObjectA static class used to create the TorcPower singleton in the admin thread
 CTorcPowerOSXA power monitoring class for OS X
 CTorcPowerUnixDBusA power monitoring class for Unix based systems
 CTorcPushbulletNotifierSend push notifications using the Pushbullet API
 CTorcQThreadA Torc specific wrapper around QThread
 CTorcReferenceCounterA reference counting implementation
 CTorcReferenceLockerA convenience class to maintain a reference to an object within a given scope
 CTorcRPCRequestA class encapsulating a Remote Procedure Call
 CTorcRunLoopOSXA TorcAdminObject to instanciate the TorcOSXCallbackThread singleton
 CTorcServiceTestObjectCreates a TorcHTTPServiceTest singleton
 CTorcSettingA wrapper around a database setting
 CTorcSettingGroupHigh level group of related settings
 CTorcSQLiteDBSQLite implementation of TorcDB
 CTorcSSDPThe public class for handling Simple Service Discovery Protocol searches and announcements
 CTorcStringFactoryA factory class to register translatable strings for use with external interfaces/applications
 CTorcSystemNotificationFactoryCreate instances of TorcSystemNotification
 CTorcTimeA simple time service to confirm the time (and date) the system is currently operating with
 CTorcTimeObjectA static class used to create the TorcTime singleton in the admin thread
 CTorcWebSocketOverlays the Websocket protocol over a QTcpSocket
 CTorcWebSocketThreadWraps a TorcQThread around a TorcWebsocket
 CTorcXMLSerialiserA serialiser for XML formatted output
 CWebLoggerServes log content to registered subscribers and HTTP clients
 CWebSocketAuthenticationA simple container for authenticaion tokens