CCallbackObject | A simple class encapusulating a single timer to start the CFRunLoop |
CCocoaAutoReleasePool | |
CFileLogger | |
CLoggerBase | |
CLoggingThread | |
CLogItem | |
CLoglevelDef | |
CLogPropagateOpts | |
CMethodParameters | |
CNSThread(Dummy) | |
CPowerFactory | |
CTestSerialisers | |
CTestTorcLocalContext | |
CTorc | |
CTorc1WireBus | A class to handle the one wire files system (OWFS) for 1Wire devices |
CTorc1WireDeviceFactory | |
CTorc1WireDS18B20 | |
CTorc1WireDS18B20Factory | |
CTorc1WireReader | |
CTorc1WireReadThread | |
CTorc1WireXSDFactory | |
CTorcAdminObject | A factory class for automatically running objects outside of the main loop |
CTorcAdminThread | A simple thread to launch helper objects outside of the main loop |
CTorcAppleBinaryPListSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcApplePListSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcArgument | Simple wrapper around a command line argument |
CTorcAverage | Compute a running average |
CTorcBinaryPListSerialiser | Data serialiser for the Apple binary property list format |
CTorcBinaryPListSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcBonjour | Advertises and searches for services via Bonjour (aka Zero Configuration Networking/Avahi) |
CTorcBonjourService | Wrapper around a DNS service reference, either advertised or discovered |
CTorcCameraDevice | |
CTorcCameraFactory | |
CTorcCameraOutput | |
CTorcCameraOutputs | |
CTorcCameraParams | |
CTorcCameraStillsOutput | |
CTorcCameraThread | |
CTorcCameraVideoOutput | |
CTorcCentral | |
CTorcCentralObject | Create the central controller object |
CTorcCommandLine | Torc command line handler |
CTorcControl | |
CTorcControls | |
CTorcDB | Base Sql database access class |
CTorcDevice | |
CTorcDeviceHandler | |
CTorcEnvironmentVariable | A simple private linked list to manage registered environment variables |
CTorcEvent | A general purpose event object |
CTorcHTMLDynamicContent | Handles the provision of dynamic content as typically located in ~/.torc/content |
CTorcHTMLHandler | Base HTML handler |
CTorcHTMLStaticContent | Handles the provision of static server content such as html, css, js etc |
CTorcHTTPHandler | Base HTTP response handler class |
CTorcHTTPReader | A convenience class to read HTTP requests from a QTcpSocket |
CTorcHTTPRequest | A class to encapsulate an incoming HTTP request |
►CTorcHTTPServer | An HTTP server |
CTorcHTTPServerListener | |
CTorcHTTPServerNonce | |
CTorcHTTPServerObject | |
CTorcHTTPService | |
CTorcHTTPServices | Top level interface into services |
CTorcHTTPServiceTest | Implements an HTTP service for testing purposes |
CTorcI2CBus | |
CTorcI2CDevice | |
CTorcI2CDeviceFactory | |
CTorcI2CPCA9685 | |
CTorcI2CPCA9685Channel | |
CTorcI2CPCA9685Factory | |
CTorcI2CXSDFactory | |
CTorcinput | An abstract class representing an external input |
CTorcInput | |
CTorcInputs | |
CTorcIntegerInput | |
CTorcIOTLogger | |
CTorcIoTPlotterNotifier | |
CTorcIoTPlotterNotifierFactory | |
CTorcJavascriptSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcJSONSerialiser | |
CTorcJSONSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcLanguage | A class to track and manage language and locale settings and available translations |
CTorcLocalContext | TorcLocalContext is the core Torc object |
CTorcLogicControl | |
CTorcLogNotifier | Log notifications to the log file |
CTorcLogNotifierFactory | |
CTorcMime | A wrapper around QMimeDatabase() |
CTorcMuxer | |
CTorcNetwork | Subclass of QNetworkAccessManager for sending network requests and monitoring the network state |
CTorcNetworkButtonInput | A network input that mimics the behaviour of a mechanical push button |
CTorcNetworkButtonOutput | A network output that mimics the behaviour of a mechanical push button |
CTorcNetworkedContext | A class to discover and connect to other Torc applications |
CTorcNetworkedContextObject | |
CTorcNetworkIntegerInput | |
CTorcNetworkObject | A static class used to create the TorcNetwork singleton in the admin thread |
CTorcNetworkpHInput | |
CTorcNetworkpHOutput | |
CTorcNetworkPWMInput | |
CTorcNetworkPWMOutput | |
CTorcNetworkRequest | A wrapper around QNetworkRequest |
CTorcNetworkService | Encapsulates information on a discovered Torc peer |
CTorcNetworkSwitchInput | |
CTorcNetworkSwitchOutput | |
CTorcNetworkTemperatureInput | |
CTorcNetworkTemperatureOutput | |
CTorcNotification | |
CTorcNotificationFactory | |
CTorcNotifier | |
CTorcNotifierFactory | |
CTorcNotify | |
CTorcObservable | TorcObservable will send event notifcations to registered 'listeners' |
CTorcOMXComponent | |
CTorcOMXCore | |
CTorcOMXEvent | |
CTorcOMXPort | |
CTorcOMXTest | |
CTorcOMXTestObject | |
CTorcOMXTunnel | |
CTorcOSXCallbackThread | TorcQThread subclass to run a CFRunLoop |
CTorcOutput | |
CTorcOutputs | |
CTorcpHInput | |
CTorcpHOutput | |
CTorcPiCamera | |
CTorcPiCameraFactory | |
CTorcPiCameraXSDFactory | |
CTorcPiGPIO | |
CTorcPiGPIOXSDFactory | |
CTorcPiPWMOutput | A device to output PWM signals on the Raspberry Pi |
CTorcPiSwitchInput | |
CTorcPiSwitchInputThread | |
CTorcPiSwitchOutput | |
CTorcPlainTextSerialiser | |
CTorcPlainTextSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcPList | A parser for binary property lists |
CTorcPListSerialiser | |
CTorcPListSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcPower | A generic power status class |
CTorcPowerFactory | |
CTorcPowerFactoryNull | |
CTorcPowerFactoryOSX | Create a TorcPowerOSX singleton to handle power status |
CTorcPowerFactoryUnixDBus | |
CTorcPowerNull | A dummy/default power implementation |
CTorcPowerObject | A static class used to create the TorcPower singleton in the admin thread |
CTorcPowerOSX | A power monitoring class for OS X |
CTorcPowerUnixDBus | A power monitoring class for Unix based systems |
CTorcPushbulletNotifier | Send push notifications using the Pushbullet API |
CTorcPushbulletNotifierFactory | |
CTorcPWMInput | |
CTorcPWMOutput | |
CTorcQThread | A Torc specific wrapper around QThread |
CTorcReferenceCounter | A reference counting implementation |
CTorcReferenceLocker | A convenience class to maintain a reference to an object within a given scope |
CTorcRPCRequest | A class encapsulating a Remote Procedure Call |
CTorcRunLoopOSX | A TorcAdminObject to instanciate the TorcOSXCallbackThread singleton |
CTorcSegmentedRingBuffer | |
CTorcSerialiser | |
CTorcSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcServiceTestObject | Creates a TorcHTTPServiceTest singleton |
CTorcSetting | A wrapper around a database setting |
CTorcSettingGroup | High level group of related settings |
CTorcSQLiteDB | SQLite implementation of TorcDB |
CTorcSSDP | The public class for handling Simple Service Discovery Protocol searches and announcements |
CTorcSSDPSearchResponse | |
CTorcSSDPThread | |
CTorcStringFactory | A factory class to register translatable strings for use with external interfaces/applications |
CTorcSwitchInput | |
CTorcSwitchOutput | |
CTorcSystemInput | |
CTorcSystemInputs | |
CTorcSystemNotification | |
CTorcSystemNotificationFactory | Create instances of TorcSystemNotification |
CTorcTemperatureInput | |
CTorcTemperatureOutput | |
CTorcThingSpeakNotifier | |
CTorcThingSpeakNotifierFactory | |
CTorcTime | A simple time service to confirm the time (and date) the system is currently operating with |
CTorcTimeObject | A static class used to create the TorcTime singleton in the admin thread |
CTorcTimer | |
CTorcTimerControl | |
CTorcTransitionControl | |
CTorcTriggerNotification | |
CTorcTriggerNotificationFactory | |
CTorcUPNP | |
CTorcUPnPContent | |
CTorcUPNPDescription | |
CTorcUser | |
CTorcUserObject | |
CTorcWebSocket | Overlays the Websocket protocol over a QTcpSocket |
CTorcWebSocketPool | |
CTorcWebSocketReader | |
CTorcWebSocketThread | Wraps a TorcQThread around a TorcWebsocket |
CTorcWebSocketToken | |
CTorcXMLReader | |
CTorcXMLSerialiser | A serialiser for XML formatted output |
CTorcXMLSerialiserFactory | |
CTorcXmlValidator | |
CTorcXSDFactory | |
CTorcXSDTest | |
CVerboseDef | |
CWebLogger | Serves log content to registered subscribers and HTTP clients |
CWebSocketAuthentication | A simple container for authenticaion tokens |