Torc was originally written for installation on a Model B Raspberry Pi but will work on any version of the hardware. It has been tested on the Model B and Zero.
A full desktop installation is not required but a network connection is highly recommended (Torc is accessed through a web interface).
Download the latest version of your favourite Raspberry Pi linux image (the following instructions assume Raspbian Stretch Lite - but any recent distribution should work). Torc does not require a desktop interface so a minimal (headless) version is fine. Install that image on a suitable SD card and insert the card into your device.
Boot your device and log in. If you are running a full desktop insallation, open a command terminal - the following assumes you are installing from the command line.
Update your distribution for all of the latest fixes and releases by typing the following commands (depending on the number of updates, this may take a few minutes):
From the command line, run:
You can change a number of Raspberry Pi specific behaviours from this utility. You will probably want to 'Expand filesystem' (to make sure the entire SD card is available to you), 'Change user password', set the timezone (IMPORTANT) and from the 'Advanced options' screen, 'Set the hostname', 'Enable SSH' and 'Enable I2C'. The last option is dependant on the hardware you intend to attach to your device. If you have no intention of attaching a screen or monitor to your device, you can also allocate zero memory to the GPU.
From the command line run:
Torc uses wiringPi to access the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins and help with I2C communications. It is highly unlikely that you'll want to use Torc on a Pi without wiringPi. Full wiringPi instructions are available at the wiringPi project page.
The 1Wire interface is primarily used for communicating with MAXIM DS18B20 1Wire digital thermometers - which are also available as a waterproof module.
Add the following line to the end of '/boot/config.txt' file (sudo nano /boot/config.txt) N.B. It may already be present if you enabled I2C from raspi-config.
and these 2 lines to /etc/modules (sudo nano /etc/modules)
The 'misc' directory in the source contains a script to run Torc as a service. Details are included in the file.