Torc  0.1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CTorcAdminObjectA factory class for automatically running objects outside of the main loop
 CTorcArgumentSimple wrapper around a command line argument
 CTorcAverage< T >Compute a running average
 CTorcAverage< double >
 CTorcBonjourServiceWrapper around a DNS service reference, either advertised or discovered
 CTorcCommandLineTorc command line handler
 CTorcDBBase Sql database access class
 CTorcEnvironmentVariableA simple private linked list to manage registered environment variables
 CTorcHTTPHandlerBase HTTP response handler class
 CTorcHTTPReaderA convenience class to read HTTP requests from a QTcpSocket
 CTorcHTTPRequestA class to encapsulate an incoming HTTP request
 CTorcinputAn abstract class representing an external input
 CTorcMimeA wrapper around QMimeDatabase()
 CTorcObservableTorcObservable will send event notifcations to registered 'listeners'
 CTorcPListA parser for binary property lists
 CTorcReferenceCounterA reference counting implementation
 CTorcReferenceLockerA convenience class to maintain a reference to an object within a given scope
 CTorcStringFactoryA factory class to register translatable strings for use with external interfaces/applications
 CWebSocketAuthenticationA simple container for authenticaion tokens